The DNA of Your Brand

Sympa Care - Brand Identity Design Case Study


The logo is the centrepiece of a brand's identity and serves as a visual representation of the brand. It should be unique, memorable, and versatile enough to be used across different platforms and media.

The choice of fonts and typography plays a significant role in brand identity. Different fonts convey distinct emotions and attitudes, so it's important to select typefaces that resonate with the brand's image.

Beyond the logo, visual elements such as icons, patterns, and imagery contribute to a brand's identity. These elements should be consistent with the overall brand aesthetic and enhance brand recognition.

Identity with Impact

Sympa Care, a leading disability service provider based in Melbourne, recognised the need to enhance its brand identity to grow its online presence and support a new website development.


The logo is the centrepiece of a brand's identity and serves as a visual representation of the brand. It should be unique, memorable, and versatile enough to be used across different platforms and media.

The choice of fonts and typography plays a significant role in brand identity. Different fonts convey distinct emotions and attitudes, so it's important to select typefaces that resonate with the brand's image.

Beyond the logo, visual elements such as icons, patterns, and imagery contribute to a brand's identity. These elements should be consistent with the overall brand aesthetic and enhance brand recognition.

Identity with Impact

Sympa Care, a leading disability service provider based in Melbourne, recognised the need to enhance its brand identity to grow its online presence and support a new website development.


The challenge was to create a brand identity that truly reflected Sympa Care's values, conveyed a sense of compassion and trust, and stood out in the competitive disability service sector.


Sympa Care partnered with Pumpkin Graphics, a renowned design agency with expertise in brand identity and website design. To meet Sympa Care's objectives, Pumpkin Graphics developed a comprehensive brand identity design solution that included:

Brand Discovery Workshop

Pumpkin Graphics conducted in-depth research and a collaborative workshop with key stakeholders from Sympa Care to understand their mission, values, and target audience. This helped to define the brand's essence and personality.

Colour Palette and Typography

A new, cohesive colour palette was established, featuring a combination of warm and soothing colours to evoke a sense of care and empathy. The typography was carefully selected to ensure readability and align with the brand's friendly image.

Visual Elements

Pumpkin Graphics introduced custom illustrations and imagery that showcased diversity and inclusivity. These visual elements were incorporated into various marketing materials and the website design.

Website Design

In parallel with the brand identity design, Pumpkin Graphics crafted a user-friendly and accessible website for Sympa Care. The website showcased the brand's new identity while providing seamless navigation and clear calls-to-action for potential clients.


Defining a brand voice and tone helps to maintain consistency in communication. This encompasses the language, style, and manner in which the brand interacts with its audience.

Stand Out & Shine

Captivating Brand Identity Design

Timeline & Scope

The brand identity design project spanned 1 month and 2 weeks, covering logo redesign, colour palette development, typography selection, visual elements creation, and the initial website design.


The brand identity design by Pumpkin Graphics had a transformative impact on Sympa Care's online presence and overall brand perception:


Increased Brand Recognition

The new brand identity design helped Sympa Care stand out in the competitive disability service sector, leading to increased brand recognition among the target audience.


Enhanced User Engagement

The user-friendly website design, complemented by the brand's welcoming visual identity, resulted in improved user engagement and longer website visit durations.


Improved Credibility and Trust

The revamped logo and cohesive brand identity instilled a sense of credibility and trust in Sympa Care's services, encouraging potential clients to choose their support.


Positive Client Feedback

Sympa Care received positive feedback from clients, staff, and stakeholders about the new brand identity, citing its inclusivity and representation of the brand's caring nature.

Other Outcomes

Apart from the measurable results, the brand identity design by Pumpkin Graphics had additional qualitative benefits:

Employee Morale: The new brand identity instilled a sense of pride among Sympa Care's employees, leading to increased motivation and dedication to the organization's mission.

Social Media Engagement: The visually appealing brand identity contributed to increased engagement on social media platforms, amplifying the brand's reach and impact.


Pumpkin Graphics' brand identity design solution successfully addressed Sympa Care's challenges and contributed to the company's growth, improved online presence, and strengthened its position as a leading disability service provider in Melbourne.

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