Navigate the Digital Era

Xpress Building Design - Digital Transformation Strategy


A website redesign enhances the user experience by optimising navigation, design, and responsiveness. This leads to increased engagement and conversions.

A redesign updates the visual appeal and messaging of a website, improving brand perception and credibility among visitors.

A modern website redesign helps businesses stay ahead of the competition by incorporating the latest design trends and technologies, attracting more visitors and establishing industry leadership.

Elevate Your Business

Xpress Building Design is a reputable architectural design firm that has operated in Melbourne for over 20 years. As a key player in the building industry, the company offers a wide range of architectural design services and is based in Melbourne, Australia.


A website redesign enhances the user experience by optimising navigation, design, and responsiveness. This leads to increased engagement and conversions.

A redesign updates the visual appeal and messaging of a website, improving brand perception and credibility among visitors.

A modern website redesign helps businesses stay ahead of the competition by incorporating the latest design trends and technologies, attracting more visitors and establishing industry leadership.

Elevate Your Business

Xpress Building Design is a reputable architectural design firm that has operated in Melbourne for over 20 years. As a key player in the building industry, the company offers a wide range of architectural design services and is based in Melbourne, Australia.


Xpress Building Design, a reputable architectural design firm with over 20 years of experience in Melbourne, recognised the need for a digital transformation strategy to stay competitive and continue growing in the rapidly evolving market. They understood that embracing digital technologies and improving their online presence would be crucial to attract new clients, increase profitability, and maintain their status as a leading architectural design firm.


Pumpkin Graphics conducted a comprehensive analysis of Xpress Building Design's current digital landscape, including their existing website, online visibility, and digital marketing efforts. After identifying areas of improvement, Pumpkin Graphics proposed a multifaceted solution to support Xpress Building Design's digital transformation:

Website Development and Redesign

Pumpkin Graphics developed a new, modern, and mobile-responsive website for Xpress Building Design. The new website showcased their portfolio, services, and client testimonials in an engaging and user-friendly manner. The design focused on improving the user experience and making it easier for potential clients to explore the firm's past projects.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

To enhance Xpress Building Design's online visibility, Pumpkin Graphics implemented an SEO strategy. They conducted keyword research relevant to the architectural industry and optimised the website's content and meta tags accordingly. This helped the firm rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased organic traffic.

Lead Generation and Conversion Optimisation

Pumpkin Graphics integrated lead generation forms throughout the website to capture potential clients' information. They also optimised the website's calls-to-action and contact pages to encourage visitors to reach out for inquiries or consultations.

Social Media Integration

Social media buttons were strategically placed on the website, allowing visitors to share Xpress Building Design's projects and content easily. This improved brand exposure and helped attract a wider audience.


Call-to-action buttons, and responsive design will enhance the overall user experience.

Revamped the website's images and messaging, ensuring they accurately reflected company's s expertise and values.

Website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience across mobile and desktop platforms.

The brand colour in a harmonious and consistent manner, the redesigned website achieved a visually appealing and cohesive look

Transform Your Virtual Space

Redesign Your Website & Inspire Engagement


The digital transformation strategy was executed over a period of 1 month and 2 weeks. The primary components of the program included website development and redesign, SEO implementation, lead generation optimisation, and social media integration. Pumpkin Graphics utilised their proprietary website development framework and followed industry-standard SEO practices to ensure long-term success.


The implementation of the digital transformation strategy yielded impressive results for Xpress Building Design:


Organic Serach

Organic website traffic increased by 70% within the first three months after launch.


Lead Generation

Lead generation improved significantly, with a 60% increase in inquiries through the website's contact forms.


Client Acquisition

Xpress Building Design experienced a 40% rise in client acquisition, with several new projects secured directly through the website.


Online Presence

Their online presence and improved reputation resulted in invitations to high-profile architectural events and conferences, further establishing their industry authority.

Other Benefits

In addition to the measurable outcomes, Xpress Building Design benefited from qualitative advantages as well. They witnessed increased brand recognition and a stronger reputation as a modern and digitally-savvy architectural design firm. Their team's efficiency improved as more inquiries were directed through the website, streamlining the client acquisition process.

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